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Tom Whyte

BE (Mech/Biomed) / BCom


Project Engineer (Biomechanical), Litigation Support Manager


Tom plays a key role as lead project engineer and manages our litigation support services. He holds a combined Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering (Biomedical) and Commerce from the University of Sydney. Tom completed an internship at Sydney Orthopaedic Research Institute acquiring and developing skills in Finite Element Analysis, 3D modelling and injury biomechanics. He is now embarking on his PhD research on the modelling of oblique motorcycle helmet impacts at the University of Technology Sydney.


Areas of Specialisation


Accident reconstruction, injury analysis, personal protective equipment testing and evaluation, finite element analysis, human body modelling


Research Activities


  • Helmet effectiveness in motorcycle crashes

  • Effectiveness of motorcycle protective gear in crashes

  • Design and testing of a novel restraint device (Lifebelt)

  • Protective equipment for harness racing drivers


Select Publications and Reports


Whyte, T., Gibson, T., Milthorpe, B. and Stanford, G., 2013, “Injury and Effective Motorcycle Helmets.” Paper Number 13-0108, Proceedings of Enhanced Safety of Vehicles Conference, Seoul.


Gibson, T and Whyte T, 2012 “Injury Biomechanics and the Design of Motorcycle Helmets” Presented at Australian Biomedical Engineering Conference, Brisbane.

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