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Dr Tom Gibson's impact on saving lives

Dr Tom Gibson's impact on saving lives

The world-recognised expert in the biomechanics of impact injury speaks about the challenges and rewards faced in improving vehicle safety equipment in Australia. Read the February 2015 article at:’s-impact-saving-lives

About us 

Human Impact Engineering was established by Tom Gibson in 1996 and is a privately owned engineering consulting company located in Sydney, Australia.


Our expertise in injury biomechanics and vehicle safety stems from Tom’s vast experience in the field. With a background in automotive design and development, his early experience in crash investigation led to a special interest in mechanical and mathematical modelling of injury causation, and the simulation and design of safety systems.


Today, Tom leads a dynamic team with diverse and complementary skills and experience. Our work revolves around the area of injury biomechanics, with projects including protective system design and evaluation, establishment of injury criteria for use with crash dummies, and investigation and simulation of accidents and related countermeasures. 


Through biomechanical research, engineering analysis, testing and design, HIE is committed to advancing the state of knowledge on injury biomechanics and to improving protection from impact injury.


© 2022 by HUMAN IMPACT ENGINEERING. All rights reserved

Human Impact Engineering is a registered trading name of Forster and Gibson Pty Ltd. ABN 79 079 040 789 / ACN 079 040 789

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