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Guy Stanford




Guy consults with HIE on various projects with a special interest on motorcycle and helmet safety. He has over 30 years experience in the area as the current chair of the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) Helmets and All Terrain Vehicles committees, and having acted as chairman of the Motorcycle Council of NSW (MCCofNSW). He is also the MCC consumer representative to Standards Australia CS-076 Committee for motorcycle helmets. Guy provides expertise in the area of patent searching and intellectual property, consulting on design projects at HIE.


Areas of Specialisation


Motorcycle and ATV safety, helmets and protective clothing for motorcyclists




  • Standards Australia, CS-076 committee, “Protective helmets for vehicle users” from 2005




  • NSW delegate to Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) since 2004

  • Chair, AMC committees: All Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s),  Motorcycle Helmets




  • Member of the MAA  -  MCC of NSW Working Group 2008 - 2010

  • Chairman, Motorcycle Council of NSW 2002-2009

  • Vice-Chairman, Motorcycle Council of NSW 1999-2002

  • NSW delegate to Commonwealth Motorcycle Safety Consultative Committee 2001-2010

  • Australian Motorcycle Council Delegate to National Road Safety Strategy panel 2003 until dissolution of NRSS

  • NSW RTA Motorcycle Safety Committee 1999 until dissolution in 2006

  • Submissions to and appearance before Law & Justice Committee of NSW Parliament

  • Co-author “Positioned for Safety” MCC of NSW m/c safety  Strategic Plan (MAA funded)

  • Creator/Project Manager of “Rider Risk” m/c safety video series (MAA funded)

  • Over 40 years as a motorcyclist.



Publications, Reports and Presentations
  • de Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2002), MCC Survey of Motorcyclists, 2001, Motorcycle Council of NSW, Inc., 15 Huddleston Street, Colyton, NSW, 2760 Australia.

  • de Rome, L. & Stanford, G. (2002), Positioned for Safety: Road Safety Strategic Plan 2002-2005, Motorcycle Council of NSW, Inc., 15 Huddleston Street, Colyton, NSW, 2760 Australia.

  • de Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2003), A Strategic approach to motorcycle road safety: Two years on, Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Sydney.

  • de Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2003), Motorcycle Protective Clothing, Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Sydney.

  • de Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2004), Survey of motorcyclists and their safety initiatives, Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Perth.

  • de Rome, L. & Stanford, G. (2005), A product safety assurance system for motorcycle protective clothing, Road Safety Research Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand

  • de Rome, L. & Stanford, G. (2006), Motorcycle Protective Clothing: Fashion Or Function? International Motorcycle Safety Conference, Long Beach, California

  • de Rome, L., Stanford, G. & Wood, B. (2007), Positioned for Safety 2010: A Motorcycle Safety Strategic Plan 2007-2010, Motorcycle Council of NSW, Inc., 15 Huddleston Street, Colyton, NSW, 2760 Australia.

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